It's been that long already? Wow!

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It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by Drakfot » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:39 pm

I had a look at when members joined the forum since I started hosting it. And I've must have read wrong as I thought I started it around November in 2005. Boy I was wrong!

The user "evoadmin" joined the forum the same time as me (first one is a pure site admin account, not a member account ) and when I did a quick lookup today I realised that the forum saw its initial publication - wait for it - on Sunday the 13th October, 2002!
The forum has been running on one of my (many) servers for 12 years straight tomorrow! (When posting this its October 12th, 2014). Wow!
The first post was made at Sun, 13 Oct 2002 01:56:35 GMT according to the database :)

(Notice: If I am not misstaken there was a bug/corruption in the database around 2005 causing the accounts seem like they are registered in the year 2005 and onwards, hence my confusion. But looking at the first two accounts "Drakfot" and "evoadmin" they are registered 2002 which should reflect the reality (also, I believe Prunes was the first one to register after me :) ). I do not remember - getting old eh - but it might have been related to the move from PHPBB2 to PHPBB3 or some such).

It's been a great honor to be able to provide you all with this service for such long time and I hope that you have found it a useable resource. But this is not the end, this is just the beginning! Even though the forum, and wiki, are not as "alive" as it was back then I will still continue to host it and keep it up to date to the best of my ability and knowledge as it holds so many found memories of friends made back in the old days.
Even though we do not communicate as often any more (this 'RL' bug seems to distort our gaming time ;) ) I will keep the forums around as a place where we can all go in and say hi at times and keep in touch, hoping that it will be able to be a hub of some sorts. Always being there even if we change emails/IM etc, the forum will still be around as a meeting point for all of you who wish to :)
You are all a great part in this, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this possible!

Update 2022-10-13: The forum has now reached the age of 20 :) See post below.

Thank you!
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Re: It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by trini » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:27 pm

Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work and efforts to run this site.

Even when I only used it about half the time it exists now :)

So a belated Happy Birthday Evolution.

Hipp, hipp, hurray!!!
Hipp, hipp, hurray!!!
Hipp, hipp, hurray!!!
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Re: It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by Crythos » Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:23 am

Jeez is it that long wow indeed

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Re: It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by Denyria » Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:38 pm

*claps hands cheering* :D
Denyria - Macewielder, Elementalist and Healer, since day one!

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Re: It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by Drakfot » Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:04 am

And today the number got bumped up to 20 years *\o/* :)
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Re: It's been that long already? Wow!

Post by Denyria » Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:02 am

Good lord :D
Denyria - Macewielder, Elementalist and Healer, since day one!

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