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Post by Drakfot » Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:30 am

The room was nearly as black as the night. But still she approached it knowing that what was waiting inside was not of this world. In fact, it was the sort of thing that parents - and scary stories - warned little kids about in order for them to go to sleep. Yet still, she took the first brave step into the dark realm of the room. In her mind she knew what was waiting inside, yet still her curiosity took the upper hand and led her forth. She knew that after the door there would be nothing stopping her from facing her worst nightmares. If she allowed it to be so.
She could hear the echoes of the shoes as she walked into the room, step by step, closing in towards the centre. She knew that with each step she would come closer to her fate, and perhaps her ending. But it would be worth it, to know the answer it would be all worth it. Why had no one ever stopped running and asked the question what it was that you are running from? Why would be so horrendous that you had to quickly pace away from it? As she came closer and closer she could hear the heavy breath of the beast that was sitting in front of her. Each step culminated in yet another heavy breath. But she kept on walking, one more step closer towards the supposed evil that was in front of her.
It took a good while but finally her eyes got used to the darkened rootm. The details slowly started to take shape in front of her. Yet still it was dark enough that her mind had to finish the form of all the objects in front of her. A collection of chairs and accompanied benches was in front of her, but she evaded them quite skillfully as she slowly , step by step, moved forwad closing into what it was that was breathing heavilly in front of her.

Suddenly her foot bumped into something and the dampened sound was soon followed by a few pens that rolled across the floor. This of course caught the attention of what it now was in front of her. Though she did not doubt that it had already noticed her the second she entered room. But now it would most likely give her its full attention. She could hear a distant low gnarling sound as she, bravely, took yet another step. She inhaled deeply trying to gain some confidence. Her eyes had adapted a bit more she now was able to discern a few more contours in the room, most of them being benched and chairs. She was in school after all. Another step forwad and she should be near the centre of the room by now. Outside thunder started to make itself heard more frequently, and more powerful. Rain was not far away as the air suddenly dampened.
A short breeze gently caressed her face as she suddenly came to a stop. It was not air from the outside, the windows was still firmly shut. It came from the centre of the room. It came from that thing she was slowly moving towards. Between the contours of chairs and benches, shelves and other things spread across the floor there was a sudden source of light. In fact, there was two sources, she could clearly see the two eyes looking at her. It was watching her sipping in every possible detail of what it was that was clumpsy moving towards it. Through the light emanating from the eyes she could see hints of breath as it exhaled and then slowly inhaled again. It was well avare that she was in the room and that she was walking straight towards it.
Se felt how the air around her suddenly felt colder as it inhaled in a more strained sort of way. Was it about to jump her? Was this her final moment? During a millisecond her heart took not one, but several, extra jumps as the thought span through her mind. What would happen now? Would curiosity kill the cat?

"Are you not afraid?" The voice was dark and deep. Hostile, yet still not unfriendly.

"I.. I do not... should I be?" Was all she managed to stutter.

"That would be the sensitive reaction. But still, you did the contrary and chose to enter this room rather than run away from it. Thus killing the joy of the chase." It replied and she could almost sense some sort of disappointment it its voice.

"You.. you can talk?" Strange that the thought had not struck her before now. But then again it would not be totally unexpected that it would have the ability to communicate. She was overthinking things.

"Do I speak, or do you understand me?" It replied, somewhat taunting her intelligence.

She took a deep breath. If this were to be her end she would rather make the most of it than just succumb to a possible fate. She steadied herself as she replied.

"How would I know. I am not even sure if you are moving your lips or anything. All I can see is the color of your eyes. " As soon as she spoke the creature got up and walked towards her. She instinctly shut her eyes as hard as she could. She could feel the warmth of the creatures breath as it came closer. It stopped in front of her for a second before it started to take a walk around her. She almost froze where she was standing. She felt a quick breeze as it exhaled at her.

"I see. Then I ask you; what is the color of my eyes to you? Answer truthfully and you might live to take another breath before I end what is left of your life." It said almost taunting, instead of a chase it seemed as it was challenging her mentally.

"I.. I.." She stuttered.

"Well then, the question is simple - as drawing a breath - so answer it" The creature took yet another lap around her, carefully sniffing at her as if it was somehow scanning her. She could hear the claws touching the floor as it walked around.

"The color.. eyes.." She studdered. This was not as she had imagined it would go down as she had entered the room.

"Yes, what color do they have? Answer human!" It almost felt strained.

"I.." She fell quiet.

"NOW!" it suddenly shouted making her twitch.

"I don't know. They are red and blue. A mix, I do not know" She shouted out as she fell to her knees. She could sense how the creature suddenly stopped behind her. And now it gently exhaled in her neck . This was it.

"And do you know the meaning of colors, human. Do you?" It was once again taunting her, playing with its prey.

"How would I know this?" She asked, if this was the end perhaps going out knowing as much as possible was the best outcome she thought to herself.

"Should I tell you then? Curious are we? Odd indeed, but also curious I see. For being an easy pray you sure are talkative. Perhaps I should humour you then." It replied, would this nightmare ever end?
It took a deep breath.
"Red means certain death, there is no escape. Blue would be its opposite; salvation if you'd like. One cannot exist without the other. But for them to coexist, now that is quite another matter indeed." There was a hint of certainy in its voice.

"What do you mean, coexist?" She asked daringly. Ther was no turning back now. The end is nigh and she was determined to meet it proudly.

"Do you really think that you would have the luxury of asking questions, prey? You are but a breath away from your last, yet still you challenge your fate by asking more questions." It took another slow lap around her, stopping in front of her. Her eyes had adapted to the dark as much as possible to the dark around her, momentarilly disturbed by the odd lightning, yet still she had a hard time discerning what it was standing in front of her. This was either the end, or a bad dream she thought to herself.

"It is not a dream" It said as if it cold read her mind. "And yes, your thoughts are quite clear. Many questions I see, even though you are aware of most things you are intelligent enough to see beyond the mundane and question the unknown. But the core issue now is, will this be your undoing?" She could almost feel the smugness as it talked to her. But would she dare to anger herself?

"I.. I do not know how to answer that. Other than saying that if this was to be my last moment, then I would like to know as much as I can about the one who is about to end my life." She gambled.

"Who said that this would be the end? Perhaps it is a road stop on the way?" It remarked.

"I do not know, for all I know this is just another bad dream for me." She did another gamble, trying to verify to herself if this was just another bad dream or not.

"I assure you, this is not what you would call a dream. It is happening, in one way or another." It snarkly remarked as it took yet another lap around her. It was almost as if this was the victory lap.

"What do that mean? Am I to be devoured by you now? Is this my final moment?" This would likely be her last gamble before fate would engulf her.

"You are odd and interesting, I'll give you that. And perhaps this is your final hour here, perhaps the breath you just took is your last. Perhaps time will tell, and perhaps time is not on your side, human!" It said as it prepared to attack.

"WAIT!" She suddenly shouted.

"Oh, more questions I see. I'll indulge you this one last time." For some reason she felt that this was more courteous than before, that there were something deeper than just mere threats in its voice. Perhaps it was her last breath, perhaps it was the end. And if it was what would her last question be?

"I would like to know the name of the one who is about to end me." Was all that she managed to say before she exhaled and felt how life was exiting her body.

"A last request I see. Then know this; the one who moved you from this realm into the next one was known as Kaen". It said before it leapt towards her. Then all the contours suddenly disappeared, the lightning suddenly went quiet and ther was no more sound around her. The last thing she saw before it all went all black and quiet was two eyes, filled with the color of red and blue.
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Re: Monster - Part 1

Post by trini » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:57 pm

Nice story.

Do you have an estimation when we can expect the second part?
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Re: Monster - Part 1

Post by Drakfot » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:05 pm

trini wrote:Nice story.

Do you have an estimation when we can expect the second part?
Thank you :)
Second part was not far from finished after posting this one, but I need to put some finishing touches on it. I am uncertain if I manage to get it done this week, and if not the start of next week, as we are going away to London this weekend. :) (might even be tonight deepening on how late I say up :) ).

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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:56 am

Monster - Part 2

The alarmclock was giving off its irrirtating noise as it was early enough to get up. She extended her arm trying to snooze the evil sounding devil . But the clock was not where it used to be, instead she just hit the floor with her arm. The sensation of pain that went through her arm was just enought to remove her tranquil sleep and move her into the caffeine-less zombie state. Which ironically was enough to make her wake up just enough to realise that the alarm clock was just a tad out of position from its usual place. And another well-aimed strike did indeed hit the snooze button with enough force to apply another five minutes of sleep. And so she closed her eyes.

Even though the clock was set to alert every five minutes in case of a snooze she woke up almost three hours later. Apparently she had managed to snooze her way all through this. Even though not unheard of she was not surprised that she had to sleep this much as the dream last night - about the creature in the room - was probably the worst one so far. But oversleeping by three hours was quite enought she felt totally worn out as she sat up and started to gather her sleeping gear. The apartment was quite quaint and she had got used to it quite quickly even though it was far away from what she had imaged when she first moved there. Then again, beggars cannot be chosers, and she had to sort with was available at the moment.
It was not easy being a poor student , especially when moving so far away from home. Yet this was well enought to manage both in space and when it came to the economical part, and deep inside she weas quite satisfied with what she had accomplished.
She had moved here about a year ago in order to study in a more traditional environment. When she was young her parents had emigrated from japan to Europe as their jobs had reqiured them to. But she had , as of late, felt a strong bond to be aware of her heritage and thus had moved back "home" in order to complete her studies. Which in itself was not a bad thing, rather the contrary it had opened her eyes for many traditions. And so she was also encouraged by her parents to seek out her past. There had been a few things to get used to though, so the transition had been a tad rough. Even though she had spent some of her young years in Japan and the latter ones in Europe it had put its mark in her. The language was not a barrier though as her parents had always kept a tradition to speak Japanese in their home, while still adapting and learning the language where they were currently living. All in all it sort of came down to getting used to the customs really. And now she sort of had overstepped one as she had slept in. Despite it being Saturday it was likely not within good behaviour to sleep until eleven in the afternoons.

She sat up and shut off the alarm hoping that it had not disturbed any neighbour. The apartments was quite small after all, just a large living room which also acted as sleeping quarters and a small space to prepare dinner. And, of course, the toilet including a shower. Washing was done on the bottom floor, all in all, quite a doable solution for a small students apartmeny. And a good one in general to be honest.
She slowly got up, stretched a bit, and then gathered the sleeping gear and neatly folded it and placed it in the wardrobe. Even though it was a Saturday she felt sort of late out of bed and hurried to prepared breakfeast. For being a free day it would still be filled with things that needed to be done; washing clothes and cleaning the apartment was on the top of the list. And once that was done there were studies to be done before there was time to do some shopping. Though the last part would not be hard as there was a store nearby that covered all the needs really. Still , she had a bad headache since waking up, likely due to the lack of sleep she experienced last night. Perhaps that was partially due to the heat outside, she had never coped well with heat when it came to sleeping. She'd prefer a chill room with fresh air. But one cannot have it all.

A look in the fridge showed that a grocery shopping was well needed, still she managed to toss together some sandwiches and tea for breakfast. She opened the glass doors to her balcony where there were still some clothes hanging since the last time she washed. There was a warm breeze coming inside the apartment slowly pushing out the old air while filling the simple room with more oxygen. This was nothing like the breath in her dream, she caught her thinking to herself as she put the tea cup into the sink. Doing the dishes would come later as she notices that she was almost thrity minutes late on her washing schedule.
Luckilly she had everything prepared in a basked so all that she needed to do was to put the sheets etc into the same basket before she went downstairs.

Moments later the washer was filled to the brim with clothes and cleaner before she turned it on. It would take a good two hours - it was an older washer after all - before it was finished and so she decided to get some shopping done before she had to hang the clothes up to dry. She quickly changed clothes to a skirt and a shirt before exiting her apartment heading towards the nearby shop. The list was quite short today; just some bread, milk etc to get her through the weekend. And a bit of candy to keep the focus during the studies.
And of course the animal snackers she usually bought to give to the cats and dogs she met on the way. She knew that they were not strays, rather it was common courtesy to offer some food to them to show respect for all living creatures (the area was somewhat of inspired by the life of the monks whom lived not to far away from the town), and also showing that there was no requirement of ownership in order to supply food to them. Also, this was just about what every one else was doing. And she was not in the position of breaking any traditions, rather the opposite as a major part of her studying there was to learn them.
After the shopping was done she had all that she needed in order to make breakfast and dinner during the weekend and so she started walking back towards the apartment complex, well within time before the washing was finished. She also had her animal snacks ready and handed it out to the dogs and cats she met during her walk back home. Today it was quite warm so there were not many animals around, most likely taking cover in the shadows where the temperatures were somewhat bearable, but there were still the odd cat and dog whom all got a handfull of treats from her.

Yet the most odd thing was still waiting for her, as she approached the main entrance of the building complex where she was living. When she took a turn from the side street and could see the entrance in the wall that lead to the building there was something small lying on the ground in front of the gate. She hurried towards it and gasped as she saw the dog lying there. She kneeled down next to it and doing so gave off a small thud to which the dog reacted to. But not in the best of ways though; it tried to get back on its feet and move away from the sudden danger. But one of its rear legs, the left, failed it and all it was able to do was to give off a short whimper instead. She could see in its eyes that it was frightened indeed, and had not eaten for what must have been days.

She tried to give it a few treats but it did not react to it, but when she opened a bottle of water and gently poured it over its mouth it suddenly came to life and slowly started to lick up as much water as it was able to. She looked around to find something to pour the water into but could not find anything that would be suitable so instead the formed her hand into a cup and filled it as much as she could and then slowly extended it towards the dog. For a moment the dog crawled together and just looked at her, but it soon reached out towards the source of water in front of it and started to lap up as much as it could. And she could sense a hint of happiness as it noticed that once the hand was empty she would pour up another for it to drink. She sat there for a few minutes just watching the little dog drinking as if its life was depending on it, which it probably was as it seemed to be in quite a poor state.
When the bottled water was all out she once more tried to give it some treats with a soothing voice that she meant no harm. This time it seemed as the dog had some trust in her as it once more looked at her a moment before carefully sniffing the treats in front of it. One little bit at first chewing carefullt and then swallowing. Just to toss itself over the rest of the treats she was holding in her hand, almost surprising her enough that she fell backwards.

"Oh, you sure are hungry little one. I am afraid that I am all out but I can see if I can make you some more inside?" She said as she noticed how the dog seemed to gain some energy from the food. "Would you want to come inside?" She said as she slowly got up and opened the gate. It was then she saw the newly made scratch marks on it and she realised that it had probably been there for a little while, scratching the gate door for attention. "You poor little one, did no one hear you before I saw you here?" She asked it, and almost as if it understood her it looked at her and sounded off another whimper.

She startd to walk inside for a few meters before she turned around facing the dog again. It was now standing up on three legs, while the fourth one barely touched the ground. "Come here boy, this is the way in, and more food" She tried to appeal to the dog. It once more was hesitant before it took a step towards here and almost fell over giving off a sound of pain. "Little one, you are badly hurt aren't you?" She asked it as she quickly moved towards it, gently grabbing it and lifting it up from the pavement. To her surprise - and most likely the dog's also - it did not react towards this treatment. Before it had always doubted her for a moment before approaching her, and here she was grabbing it and lifting it up as if they had always been doing so. It was not the smallest dog she had seen, nor was it large per say. Perhaps like a bit too large Terrier of some kind or something, she could not really pinpoint what race it was, but that was not important at the moment.
She then walked towards the door and went up the three stairs to the floor where her apartment was. The unlocked the door and walked inside. She looked around the room for a good place to put the dog down but could not find much of a place so she decided to use one of her pillows as a cushion for it for now.

A small whimper came from the dog as she put it down on the cushion as gently as she could and she quickly apologised for her clumpsy treatment. She sat next to it for a few more minutes before she got up and put away the groceries and made a little snack that she hoped that the dog would enjoy. The moment she showed the food to the dog it was gone. "I see that you have regained some more energy, that is good." She said and smiled. She sat there for a moment looking at the dog to see what it would do next and was quite surprised that it fell asleep after a few minutes.
As a quick breeze moved by outside rattling the clothing rack she was reminded that she had clothes in the washer. And so she got up as silently as she could and then went downstairs to get the wash. Once more she was about half an hour after schedule but to her luck there were no other bookings after hers so she did not have to excuse herself for being late. She quickly gathered her clothes and went back to her apartment. As she re-entered she saw that the dog was still sound alseep on the pillow so she gently snuck by it and went out on the balcony and hung up her clothes to dry. She then went back inside and prepared to get some studies done.

A few hours passed by as she buried herself in the studies often checking on the little dog as it was still snoozing on the pillow. But as the sun started to set behind the mountains she noticed that she was quite tired and that it would perhaps be time to get some rest and call it a day. She did have a guest after all. So she put her things away and got up to check on the dog. As she sat down next to it and gently patted it she noticed that it was very warm, in fact it likely had a fever.
"Little one, you are buning up. You cannot be feeling very well now can you. But what should I do ?" She looked around the room trying to get some ideas of what to do but she could only come to one conclusion which was that the dog was in need of some medication. She put a small bowl of water next to it so that it could get some more liquid and then told it to be as calm as it could and that it should not worry as she would soon return, hopefully with some medicine to help it.
As she gently closed the door and locked it trying to be as quiet as possible she thought about asking the store she had visited earlier today if they perhaps had any ideas, or knew of a veterinarian or so nearby.
She looked at the clock only to find it was about nine pm, and she had forgotten to eat dinner. As she exited the building she used her phone searching for nearby veterinarians and drugstores that were open late that she could ask what to do. If she had stopped for just a second and looked back up towards her apartment she would have noticed the two red and blue eyes staring down at her.
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Re: Monster

Post by trini » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:21 pm

Thanks again.

Do you mind to tell us if you have planned more on this plot?
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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:25 pm

Yes, there is more to come. Part 3 is almost done :)
trini wrote:Thanks again.

Do you mind to tell us if you have planned more on this plot?
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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:40 am

Monster - Part 3

It took her quite a while, but finally she had found some medications to bring home to treat the little dog in her apartment. She had to make an effort in order to find anyone whom could give her advice on what might be the reason for the dog to have fallen so ill as it had done. Yet still she knew that it was nothing more than remote estimations based on her description of the symptoms and in order to get a more definitve answer she had to bring it to a vet. Unfortuneately, as this was rather a small village, there were none open during the weekend. None but a possible emergency number, which turned out to be hard to find. So she had put her hopes to some general paracetamol that would at least lessen the fever for the little one until she was able to find a more suitable solution. She hurried home as fast as she could from the convenience store. While walking with a quick pace she was scouring the internet via her phone in the best manner she managed in order to find some answers on what it might be, or at least how to carefully treat the animal in order to lessen its pain. But just having fever as a symptom turned out to be harder than it looked as it seems as just any illness had it among its characteristics. But still, if she was able to lessen this symptom, it would perhaps suffice enought to make things bareable. She stumbled herself realising that this cause had thrown her off the daily worry of home work and other chores qiute quickly. She quickly rummaged through her to do list in her mind checking off any item she had already sorted and found herself to actually have some spare time indeed. Perhaps this automation was something that suited her.

As she turned into the gateway towards the buidling complex she noticed that her balcony door was open, but she had closed it before she left her apartment had she not? Perhaps she had forgotten in her rush. She hurried up the stairs and unlocked the door to her apartment. The little dog was still lying on the pillow, sleeping with some unrest. It was almost as it was having a bad dream, moving from what seemed to be running over a field playing with friends, to what seemed to be a frightened battle of life and death.
She found a towel and soaked it in cold water and gently placed it on the dog hoping that it would lessen the fever at least to some point while she was preparing a quick treat stuffed with medication that would, hopefully, give more aid. It seemed as the towel did indeed relax the dog for a moment. but it was still clear that some sort of treatment was necessary. She gazed at the clock and saw that it was quite late and as soon as she had managed to give some medicine to the dog she prepared for a nights sleep. She closed the balcony door, again?, leaving just a little opening so that some fresh night air would be able to reach the dog and then she went to sleep.

It was an odd room, or was it a room after all? There were walls, floor and a roof of some sort. It looked like a room, had the proportions of a room, and most certainly remainded her of a room. But still she had the notion that it was all just a charade, a mirage. She looked around - it was almost the same as her apartment for some reason - so she decided to test the door to see if it still led to the outside. As she opened the door she found herself in a beautiful garden filled with flowers blooming of various colors. Each flower having its own unique color and attribute, yet still they all seemed to fit together nicely. She looked around to see if she was able to find the door she had just passed through, but there was nothing around that would reassemble any such thing. She kept looking around but all she could find in the garden was a bench not far from a path of lovely flowers that seemed to dance in the wind. She approached the bench and sat down. She looked at the flowers and for a second it was almost as she had slumbered a moment. Suddenly a thought struck her that falling asleep here would perhaps not be as restful as it might seem at first. She reminded herself to keep awake, and to be keen at what might possibly appear around her. There was nothing about though, the only motion she could detect was the flowers gently leaning with the wind, changing direction as the wind changed. This was quite a lovely place indeed, even for a dream it felt quite comfortable she thought to herself. Yet still she refrained from falling asleep.

"You seems to be aware, good.." It was a familiar voice as she suddenly woke up. She looked around and saw that she was in her apartment again, and it was an early Sunday morning. It had been just a dream, perhaps one that felt quite real, but yet still a dream she thought to herself as she got up and checked on the little dog. It seemed as the medication had actually worked well as she saw how it was lying on its side, breathing calmly and with a good rythm. She snapped a qiuck picture of it as it was lying there sound asleep. She would need that picture in order to create some flyers she intended to put to find its original ownwer. There must be some one out there worrying about their dog by now. She put her things away as quitet as she was able to in order not to disturb the little dog's sleep and then sat down and wrote up a quick flyer and printed about twenty of them. The sound of the laser printer did seem to wake up the dog and she petted it a bit before she grabbed some ingredients from the fridge making herself and the dog some breakfast. It seemed as the nights sleep had at least given it some comfort as it seemed to be more upbeat today, as if it had regained some of its energy again, which was good.
She gave it a quick walk outside the apartment and it seemed to be more attentative and eager to explore its surroundings so she decided to walk around the green area outside the apartment a bit longer. But then it would be back to reality again and she went up, with the dog, to fetch the flyers she had made. She had given the local area map a quick glance earlier and deciced to limit the area where she'd put up the flyers to a few blocks hoping that it would suffice. So she, and the little one, started their journey around the neighborhood putting up flyers everywhere that seemed to be a good eye catcher and a few hours later they both returned to her apartment, both somewhat exhausted. She had noted that the dog was still limping, but there was now a regained glow in its eyes. So she preapred something quick to eat for them both, this time also giving the dog some more medicine to aid it. She then sat down and looked over her homework again in preparation of tomorrow's school day. She had also notified her landlord that she was currently having a dog in her apartment, but that she was only caring for it until she found its original owner.
She dove into the home work and looked through her notes taking short brakes in order to have something to drink, or to walk the dog outside. It seemed as time amost flew away as around 9pm she got a text from her friend Nikomie asking if they should meet up halfway to school as usual tomorrow. As Akemi sent her reply she brought out the sleeping gear, prepared her lunch for tomorrow and also giving the little dog some supper before giving it a quick walk before bed. To her discontent she noticed that the fever was now back so she gave it another pill hoping that it would easen the pain. She then made sure that it was lying comfortably on the pillow, having water nearby etc, before she went to bed herself.

Once more the devious alarm clock was giving off it's sound of doom and Akemi managed to find the snooze button this time. But as it rang a second time just minutes later she succumbed to its torture and rose up out of her bed. She looked and saw that the dog was still sleeping on the pillow, once more quite peacefully and relaxed. Akemi quitely got up and stuffed her gear away and then took a quick shower before dressing up for school. Before she left she gave the dog a walk outside and another pill telling it that she would soon return as this day there were only classes half of the day. She looked at her phone and saw that there were no new messages on it, sadly she had hoped that perhaps the dogs owner would have called or texted her. But the flyers had only been up for a few hours so perhaps sometime during the day she hoped as she locked the door. Another text told her that Nikomie was waiting for her on the usual spot, and that she was not a bit late and had to hurry. She had made certain that the room would be comfortable for the dog by opening the balcony door just a little, attaching the hatch so that it would not open any further.

"Hey there, sleepy head!" Nikomie greeted her as she approached the meeting point.

"Yeah, I know. Been a strange weekend." Akemi replied making a tired face.

"Well, considering all the homework we were drowned in on Friday I agree. Took me aaaages to finish." Nikomie said making sort of a silly face.

"Yeah, took me a while also. But that is not all. Another strange thing happened too.." Akemi said but was interrupted by Nikomie's eager voice telling her that she wanted to say something important . "Allright, spill the beans."

"You know Yu? The cutest guy ever?" Nikomie said teasingly.

"The one that you secretly have a crush on?" Akemi asked with a friendly sarcasm in her voice.

"YES! Thats the one! You know what? You know what?" She was jumping up and down clapping her hands as she asked.

"No..What?" Akemi said, still with a friendly sarcasm. She could easily guess what Nikomie would say next.

"I got a text from him this weekend, A TEXT!" The joy in her voice could not be misstaken.

"A text, what did it say?" Akemi politely asked, while trying to keep some sort of calm and distance. Nikomie was a good friend, and she had taken Akemi under her wings since day one, yet still she wanted to keep some sort of distance, without alienate herself of course.

"Well, it's a secret!" Nikomie teased her.

"Hey, ain't I your friend? Should you not tell me these things?" Akemi decided to tease back.

"Hihi, yes you are. But before I tell you my secret, you have to tell me yours!" Nikomie was once more teasing her in some odd, friendly, way.

"What secret?" Akemi asked, feeling a bit stumped.

"You said that you had a strange weekend too? He didn't text you too did he?" Nikomie suddenly looked very serious.

"What? No, no he did not. I haven't got a text all weekend. But something else happened though." Akemi said. "I found a dog outside my apartment building, it was in a bad shape so I took care of it. It's lying in my apartment now.

"A dog? Whee, a DOG!" Nikomie was back to her cheery self again. "Can I see it? Please, please!" She begged.

"Well, I have put up flyers hoping to find the owner, hoping to hear from them today. But if I haven't heard anything by tomorrow you could follow me home and see it?"

"Sure. I hope that no one calls you today then!" Nikomie said with a cheer, meaning well.

As they spoke they turned into the school yard and was met with a police restriction line.
It seemed to be some sort of disturbance among the students, but the head master was standing at the gate beside a police officer calming the students. Akemi suddenly felt a cold rush passing through her body as if she knew why there would be a block. But she shrugged it off quickly and they both approached the head master.

"Hey there kids. Nothing to worry about. There was an accident on Friday and the police is here to make sure that everything is okay." The headmaster calmed the students as they walked through the gate into the school yard.

"Uhm, excuse me sir. What has happened?" Akemi asked both spurred and cuious for some odd reason.

"Nothing to worry about, just an accident in room 3F. We are just taking precautions to make sure that everything is ok." The way the headmaster said it made it feel like a faked reassurance.

"But, thats our classroom" Akemi said as an odd chill rose along her spine.
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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:11 pm

Monster - Part 4

"If that is your class room I suggest that you go directly to the auditorium. We will inform all the students of your class about a temporary solution. Now hurry on!" The headmaster said trying to hide a clear sensation of stress, failing utterly.

Somehow Akemi felt very doubtful to all this. It seemed to be so familiar somehow, yet she could not put her finger on what it was. But the feeling was strange somehow. She and Nikome headed towards the auditorium looking at each other with confusion.

"Do you know whats up Akemi?" Nikome asked her while grabbing her phone to see if any of the social media etc had any further information.

"I.. I have no idea what this is all about." Akemi excused herself as she decided not to share her uneasy feelings to Nikome just yet. After all, it could just be some odd coincidence.

As they walked towards the auditorium they noticed that there were not just students from their class that was heading the same way, but rather it seemed as it was also persons from other classes which had their class rooms on the third floor. A bit odd as it was only room 3F that was, supposedly, closed off for some reason. The odd chatter that she intercepted during the walk seemed to sum up to that something horrible had happened in class room 3F, but that the school and police wanted to keep a lid on it and keep speculation to a minimum.
Akemi thought that she heard something about a girl from another class had come to the school early and made the supposed horrible discovery. But it was all school yard chatter sofar so she decided to focus on getting to the auditorium and tried not to think about what might possibly could have happened. And definately not to think about the strange dream she had a few days ago.

As they entered they saw that there was, in fact, more students than those from just her class, but rather from the other classes as well. There were even class representants from those whos class rooms were on floor one and two present. The chatter and rumours increased as the room filled with people but Akemi focused on not thinking about anything in particular as she knew that word travelled quite fast in the school, and that it quite often turned up to be quite skewed from the original meaning in the end. But it was still a worrying feeling that slowly crept over her as they waited for the headmaster to arrive.
It took about twenty minutes or so before the doors closed behind them and the headmaster took his stance on the podium. Akemi could easily see that he was very nervous and that he did not really know what to say next. He cleared his throat.

"Students, as you all have heard and seen, the third floor of the second building has been closed off and is currently under the supervision of the police. We stress that you do not try to enter this floor under any circomstance while it is being closed off. This is for your own safety, so please keep this in mind. Also know that the stairs leading up to the roof are also closed in this building for the time being. If you have any belonings of affects that you need retrieved from your class room, please let us know and we will hand it over to you as soon as we can." It was clear that this was just standard talk about safety and damage control. What he had to say next was definitely the toughest part of it, nervousity showed as he spoke with a nearly trembling voice trying to hide the truth behind a white lie.
"As the school opened today we noticed that there had been some substantial damage to class room 3F, therefore we decided to seal it off. But as we looked into it further we deemed the other class rooms unfit also while we investigate what the cause of this destruction is. To be extra precatious we decided to have the police looking into it also as we suspect that it might be related to bad construction, that and in combination with all the heavy rain we had during the year they are investigating on their part if any fault has been made. Therefore we also decided to seal off the rest of the class rooms and the roof. We hope to have this sorted as soon as possible so that we all can go back to how it was. Meanwhile, the students whoms class rooms are on the third floor will be given homework to be done during the coming weeks, while the auditorium will be open for those that wish to come and talk to their teachers etc about the homework and other studies. You will be given your homework from your teachers before leaving the auditorium, you will also have the rest of the day off unless you wish to stay here aferwards and speak to your teachers." He quickly exited the podium, but then quickly turned around and got back up on it again. "Oh, and please. Do not speculate or believe in any rumors floating around about why the rooms are sealed off. They are just that, rumors, and all official information will be coming from us. That is all that you need to know for now." He then quickly exited the podium and started talking to the group of teachers that had been standing behind him.

Akemi looked around as the chatter started to increase again, many checking their phones to see if anything had been posted on the social networks etc. She had never really taken part in those as it was mostly just chatter and gossip there, nothing that she really fancied. She preferred calling or texting instead. But it seemed as there were no "rumors" available just yet. Which did intesify the notion among the ther students that something was up. She noticed that the cell phones was quickly put away, after what was likely the standard updates regarding having the day off, something odd is happening at the school etc. Then a few started dropping off and Akemi got into the line to get her homework handed to her before she exited the auditorium.

"Hey, you want to get a coffee or something Akemi?" Nikome suddenly said making Akemi twitch just a little. "Hey, you there? Did I scare you?" She continued teasingly.
"Sorry, my mind wandered off a bit. What were you asking?" Akemi said suddenly realising that something was amiss. "Yeah, a coffee sounds good." Suddenly she felt the need to clear her mind of something. She could not explain why she suddenly felt so occupied, it was almost as if something was telling her that there is something strange going on. Like there were signs everywhere telling her so, but she could just not see it.

They both went to a popular coffee shop not far from school. The place was quite crowded now as many other students seemed to have the same idea as they suddenly had their day off. Akemi almost felt a bit claustrophobic and asked if they could get the coffee to go instead. Nikomie did not object so they ordered up and went outside. They walked for a moment before they stopped and sat down on the lawn near the canal. It was quite calm and relaxing as they both started sipping on their coffee before talking a bit of what might have happened, was the building really coming down? Why would the police have such attention to some shoddy construction? None of them could find an explanation that would make them feel satisfied while being logic. But perhaps it was the thrill of a mystery that also kept them from accepting what would be a logical truth. A bit later the coffe was finished and they both felt relaxed as the tension of the morning meeting had ran off. It was almost lunchtime and they decided to head home to make their lunch. They decided to talk later that evening.
Akemi walked by the grocery store and got a few more ingreditents and some more snacks for the little dog which she almost had forgotten about. She rushed home feeling guilty for letting it slip her mind. As soon as she opened the door she was met by the sight of the little dog lying on the pillow snoozing. She gently woke it up and took it outside for a quick walk in the yard. Then they both headed back in and she started preparing the lunch while the dog was lying on the pillow happily chewing on its snack.

As thing started to boil on the stove there was a sudden, dapmened, knock on the door. Akemi washed her hands and opened the door. Outside stood a little girl holding one of her pamphlets, she looked up at Akemi with saddened eyes before she opened her mouth. "Do.. do you have my dog?" She asked cautiously.
Akemi smiled towards the little girl and crouched in front of her to not appear too frightening. "Yes, I have him right here." She replied and pointed towards the pillow. "Tikk!" The little girl shouted and as soon as she did the dog lifted his head and saw the girl. He then got up and rushed towards the little girl and jumped up into her arms and started licking her face with joy.
After a moment the girl looked at Akemi and stuttered out a glad "Thank you, I've missed him". "And he have missed you I see" Akemi replied as she handed the leash to the girl. She turned around and walked down the hall, stopping and waving thankfully towards Akemi before she exited down the stairs. Akemi then walked over towards her window and watched the little girl walk across the yard with the dog in a leash. She smiled knowing that the dog was back at its owner.

"You know she isn't real" A sudden dark voice said from somewhere inside the apartment.
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Monster - Part 5

Post by Drakfot » Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:25 am

Monster - Part 5

"Who is that?" She said as she turned around. But the room was empty.

"Oh, you are most aware of who I am, prey" The dark voice continued. It was as if it also dampened the light in the room as it spoke. Yet Akemi was not able to discern anyone but her in the room. Was she dreaming again?

"No, this is not a dream. This is as much awake as it gets, Prey." Somehow hearing those words were like an awakening to her. Suddenly she realized that this was, in fact, not a dream. This was reality.

"Who are you? Where are you?" She asked, but somehow she already knew that the answer was cryptic.

"I am here, within." Was the only reply she got.

"Show yourself!" She demanded, trying to apply as much authority as she could. It failed.



"To reveal myself is a choice that belongs to me only, not for you to command. And you are not ready, not by far. For now, you will have to settle with my voice." The dark voice said with much self content. "My voice and the knowledge that I am within you." It sounded almost smug.

"What do you mean not my choice?" She asked.

"It means that it sounds like, what the words spells like, what I want it to mean. That I, alone, chose when to reveal myself." The voice seemed a bit agitated at the question.

"So what am I then? A servant?" Now Akemi started to get upset. If there was something hiding in the dark at least she would put up some sort of fight.

"Now, that might be just a suitable word for you. For now, prey" Once again it turned smug.

Akemi suddenly felt a wave of uncomfort rushing through her. This was not a dream, she'd had alerady established that. But it was also unreal somehow, in a way that she could not clearly define. And it scared her.

"I can sense your fear, that is good. Fear makes for a good listener. But fear is not what I seek within you. Fear is somehing that you will have to overcome in order for you to prevail. To reach the destination I have set for you. Or, well, you have set it for yourself rather.

This all seemed to get out of hand so Akemi decided to try to steer the conversation in another direction. "She is not real?" She said.

"No, she is not. Or well, she exists but not in the wanted form. Thus she is not real to this world."

"This world? What do you mean by that? Why would she not be real to this world?" Akemi asked as the logic did not make sense.

"Do not expect me to 'spill all the beans' the first time Prey. There is are so many things that you do not even have the faintest idea about. Yet they are as real as you, and as unreal as that little girl. To you she is a test." The smugness was back again.

"Why am I even talking to you?" Akemi asked hoping to get some sort of hint as reply.

"Talking, are you moving your mouth?"

"Of course I am movin my mo..." She suddenly realized that she was just staring into the darkness of her apartment and not talking. Somehow she tried to shut her imaginary mouth.

"If I had some sort of sense for humour I would probably find this a laughing matter. But I don't. Prey, there is no use trying to shut me out. You will acknowledge me either you want it or not. Let's just say it is in your nature, at least for now." Somehow that logic seemed to make sense to her. But she could not pinpoint why.

"you.. you mentioned a test? The little girl?"

"Yes, a test indeed. As I said there are many things that you need to know, things that to your feeble mind are nearly uncomprehensive. Yet you need to know them. Now, how to sum things up so that your weak mind would interperet them correctly. " She could almost hint a small confusion in the dark voice, as if it suddenly were in deep waters. But it quickly changed.
"Before I explain, you will need to find the little girl. Find her before we speak again."

Suddenly the apartment was as bright as when she had walked through it to get to the windows. The darkness was all gone and there were but a few simple shadows left in the apartment reminding of any sort of darkness. Find the girl she thought to herself, why would she do that? Why did she have this urge to rush out through the door after that little girl that just got there to retrieve her lost dog?
Akemi pondered these questions as she suddenly found herself outside her apartment staring down the street. Now where did the little girl go? For some reason she took a left and continued down the street. Somehow she was moving along the streets as if she was in a third person view, a perspective. Her body moved almost by itself, as if it was in control by someone else. A corner there, a crossroads there and suddenly she saw the little girl and the dog playing about in a small park. It then became all black again.

"Are... are you there?" Akemi asked almost stuttering.

"Yes, I am here. Why would you doubt that Prey?" It was almost teasing her.

"I.. I followed her.. I think. To here."

"Yes, you did." The voice felt sort of sarcastic.

"What am I supposed to do now?" She asked but for some reason she felt like she already knew the answer, but she needed some sort of confirmation. It felt very confusing.

"You need to kill her properly." The dark voice said coldly.

"Kill her? Why? Why in hell would I do that?" She asked firmly. This was crap, she was suddenly quite upset. And somehow she knew why.

"Because, that is the way things need to be. And you know that, don't you." It was not even asking.

"You are asking me to take the life of a little girl. Why in the fucking hell would I do such a thing?" Akemi felt firm, this question demanded an answer. And she was not giving in until she had gotten a damn good one.

"You cannot kill that which is already dead." Was the solely explanation offered by the dark voice.

"What do you mean by that? She is very much alive. Just look at her playing with her dog over there!" Akemi was pissed.

"Look around, is there anything in the surroudings that would say different." the voice was suddenly very cold.

For some reason Akemi felt compelled to inspect her surroundings when the dark voice mentioned them, she could not say why. But it felt like the right thing to do. And as she looked around she noticed that close to a telephone pole there were a lot of flowers and lit candles. She walked up to it to have a closer look and saw that the flowers and candles were of the kind that was usually placed on graves. As Akemi sat down next to them she saw that some of them had small cards attached to them and she slowly opened one of them. It read "Dear Orihime, always loved and never forgotten". She sat there for a moment, all quiet as it sanked in.

"I told you." The voice was back again.

"But, how would I know that this would even be for her?" Akemi asked.

"Try calling out to her then. If that calms your mind."

Akemi got up and took a few steps towards where the little girl was playing happily with her dog. She looked at her for a moment before she inhaled, closed her eyes, and decided to call out her name. She was hoping that she would not answer the call.

"Orihime" She said, still doubting something that she felt was correct.

"Yes?" The reply cut through her with such cold that it sent shivers down her spine.

When Akemi opened her eyes the little girl was standing in front of her. "You called me? Hey, you are the one that found my dog! Did I forget something?"

Akemi almost started to cry when she heard the little girl's voice. For some reason she knew that she had to do, why these things were connected. She was certain, but still yet very doubtful.

"Thank you....thank you for finding my dog. I have looked for him ever since that day." The little girl suddenly said.

"That day?" Was all that Akemi could muster.

"Yes, that day when my mom and dad and I were in an accident. Just over there." The little girl said and pointed towards where the candles were lit. It suddenly made sense.

"Accident?" Akemi asked but she already knew the answer.

"Yes, we were going to the sea for a picnic when we were hit by another car there. I do not remember much but I managed to get out of the car. But I did not see mum or dad, or Tikk. So I thought that they had made it out of the car already. I saw all the people and the police cars. And after a while I saw that mum and dad was loaded into an ambulance. I know that they would be fine, but they had forgotten about Tikk. So I decided to look for him before going to visit them at the hospital. It took a while, but then I saw your poster and went to get him. And now I have to go visit my mum and dad at the hospital to tell them that we are okay."

Akemi smiled towards the girl, even though it hurt.

"What should I do? What do I need to do?" She asked the dark voice.

"That which is right, you need to pass her on." It replied.

"Pass her on? How?" Akme asked.

"In whatever manner you see fit, this is your show, Prey."

She could not explain her next action, but it all seemed to fit. Seemed to be the right thing to do. The most suitable way to go.

"Would you like me to follow you to the hospital?" She asked the little girl.

"Yes, if you want to. That way I do not have to walk there by myself." The little girl answered. "Tikk! Come here boy! We are going on a walk." The little girl said.

As they started walking Akemi felt how the little girl grabbed her hand. Suddenly she saw herself standing at an unknown intersection holding something in her hand that no longer existed.
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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:17 pm

Monster - Part 6

Akemi stood there for a moment, staring at her empty hand. The hand that just now held the hand of the little girl. But now it was empty. There was not a single thing that would tell that there was once a little girl, and dog, at her side. In fact, it must have looked quite odd seeing a girl crossing an intersection with one hand slightly off as if she was holding something invisible. Then it turned all dark for Akemi.

Some time later, she could not really tell, Akemi came to her senses again, standing outside the door to her apartment. She felt a little dizzy as she grabbed the door handle and entered the apartment. She went to the sink, grabbed a glas, and took a large sip of water. She felt all dried out somehow. She leaned towards the bench as the memories started coming back to her. The little dog, the little girl. The accident. What did it all mean? What was the purpose of this bad dream? For it was a dream? She asked herself.

“No” The dark voice from the dream was back again.
“No, that was not, and this is not, a bad dream. This is reality. Or well, at least one of the realities.” No matter how hard she tried to ignore the voice it broke through all barriers she tried to put up.
“Come now. We have already discussed this. We are one now, you and me, and there is nothing that can ever change that, Prey.”

“But how did I get back home? It all turned black there at the intersection.”

“Yes, and it was not easy to steer you here. You are most difficult, or your mind is I should say. Quite the willpower there. Still, you did not put up much of a fight. Unlike that first time.” The voice somehow seemed a bit doubting but it quickly shaped up and turned back towards the more firm approach. “You need to rest.”

Akemi felt that she did not have the strength to argue any further. For all she know the dream was still ongoing, she just wanted to get to bed and sleep for a few centuries. She probably fell asleep even before landing on her bed.

The constant beeping from her cell phone woke her up a few hours later. It was already dark outside and in most of her apartment beside the corner being lit up by her phone. She fumbled a bit before she was able grab it and answer. It was Nikomie.

“Hey, are you there?” She asked.

“Hum, yeah. Just woke up.” Akemi replied and decided to look for the light switch. After a few tries she found it and was able to properly navigate her apartment.

“Why? You’ve been up to something?” Nikomie asked curiously. But Akemi could hear that she was anxious to tell her something. Besides, she did not want anyone know about what she had been doing earlier that day. It all felt so tangled.

“Nah, nothing. Just been reading a lot.” She tried to excuse herself.

“Ok. Well I got news!” Nikomie almost shouted out. “You see, I’ve got word that someone will try and have a look in our class room tonight!”

“Really? How, is it open again?”

“No, no. But one of the boys in 3C is going to make a try reaching the floor form the outside. Its kind of exciting!” Nikomie sounded very exalted. “He is going to take pictures and all, perhaps even post them online later tonight!”

“Thats, nice I suppose.” Akemi replied a bit distant.

“Is that all you have to say? That it’s nice? I mean, come on! Our classroom, the entire floor, has been sealed off by the police! And I do not believe for a moment that it is due to some crappy construction work. No, no. If that were the case we would still be sitting in the room, perhaps being forced to wear hardhats until summer so they can repair it then. No, this is something much more sinister in effect!” Nikomie proclaimed with a sudden firm voice.

“Whoa there top journalist. I just got up, I need coffee before this world starts to make sense to me.” Akemi replied, trying to ease the mood with a joke. It seemed successful.

“Sounds fair, but I am right. You know I am! I’ll see what more I can find out about this. Hopefully he is able to enter and take some pictures and I’ll try and get my hands on them as soon as possible.” She sounded like a journalist digging around again.

“Fine, let me know what you find, ok.” Akemi replied knowing that she was a bit of an enabler. On the other hand, one thing she had learned about Nikomie was that once she had set her mind on something there would be nothing that could stop her. That’s probably why she was one of the students with the best grades in school.

“Oh, one more thing before we hang up. You said that you found a dog?”

“Hum, yeah. Did I mention it to you?” She asked Nikomie.

“Yes, well sort of. You mumbled something about getting groceries to feed a dog earlier when we had a coffee.”

“Ah, I might have. Was sort of distracted then. The news that morning and all. But yeah, I found a little dog outside and took care of it. Even put up some posters. And it seemed to have worked as a little girl came by earlier picking it up.” She replied, feeling a bit divided as she was only telling Nikomie half the truth. But she knew that if she told the other half Nikomie would probably think that she was making it all up.

“yeah, I know. That’s why I am asking. I found one of your posters. Why did you put up a picture of a pillow with a few treats on?” Nikomie sounded a but concerned all of a sudden.

“What?” Akemi bursted out. She started looking around her apartment to see if she could find any print. She found one folded in her backpack. When she opened it up she nearly dropped her phone. “I.. It must have been something wrong with the ink or something. There was a dog on the picture I swear!”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. The poster I found was quite damp and smudged. Perhaps the ink had just been ruined because all I could see on the picture was the pillow and stuff. But, yeah, it wasn’t in a good shape you’re right about that. Never mind, you said the owner came and picked it up? All is good then!” Nikomie was back to her cheerful self again it seemed. “Talk later, I’ll bother you as soon as I hear anything new about those pictures!”

“Yeah, sounds good. Bye.” Akemi was still taken about finding out that there was no dog on the picture. She was certain that is was there when she put up all the posters. Why would it suddenly be gone from all the pictures now? She looked at her phone, even the picture there - which she had used to print the posters - had every detail on it, except for the dog itself.
She sat down on her bed with the cup of coffee she had prepared earlier while talking to Nikomie and took a sip. She was still tired and felt torn, but the sensation of caffeine seemed to have some effect on her at least. What was happening to her?

“You still have much to learn, Prey.” The dark voice suddenly said.

“What do you mean?” She asked, she still felt too tired to argue with whatever it was.

“Well, I suppose you are bound to start learning some way or another.” The dark voice said. “Can you recall my name, Prey?”

For a second there was a sharp flash bursting through Akemi’s mind, but it was too painful for her to be able to remember anything at all from when they first met. The pain made it impossible for her to recall anything at all from that night.
“No” Was the only answer she could muster.

“That’s good. You may refer to me as Kaen, Prey” She could almost hear how the voice was smiling in the most sinister way.

“And my name is Akemi, not ‘Prey’ as you insist on calling me all the damn time!” She bursted out loud. That would probably make the neighbours wonder what was happening in her apartment.

“Well, Prey, that may be your name. But I am still going to call you that which you are. Until you are able to manage on your own that is. And that road is long. Long and filled with obstacles far beyond your imagination.”
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Re: Monster

Post by Drakfot » Sat Sep 03, 2022 12:26 am

Did she have a blackout? Was the memory from that night causing her that much pain that she'd lost consciousness? Her head was aching like hell anyway.

“You are still very weak, Prey"

Fuck, it wasn't a dream that she had hoped for. He is still there. Or is he?

"I am still here"

"Get the fuck out off my head!" She said with an as firm voice as she could muster.

"No" the answer was short and not up for discussion.

"You know, if all this is real. If you are real, even though it sounds really fucked up."

"It is real, you cannot escape this."

"Don't fucking interrupt me when I am having a fit, ok. So even if this is all real and you keep telling me that I have just begun to see things. What if I do not want this huh? What's stopping me from just walking away from this?" She questioned not only the self proclaimed entity, but also her sanity was now on the line it seemed.

"I could, but would you really want to do that, Prey?"

"You know, that 'prey' thing really isn't helping your argumentation."

"As I said, I will call you that which you are."

"Sigh. Alright I'll bite. What did you mean by if I really want to walk away? I sure as hell did not ask for this."

"No. You chose this, Prey."

"What in the heck of everything do you mean with "You chose this"? How in hell would I chose something like this? A express ticket to the nut house, am I going bedlam here?" She exclamated. She tried to keep it somewhat down in order to not alarm the neighbors. Just in case.

"That is a revelation that you will have to come to yourself. There is nothing that I sho... that I can do to allow you to know. For now" That voice was starting to irritate now.

"Now that is reassuring. I need a rest." The thought of sleeping this ordeal off was quite enticing to her. She wanted this. She needed it.

"There will be no rest. You have set things in motion that cannot be stopped. Nor can they be put on hold for a rest. You started this, it is up to you to finish it." The dark voice said.

"Oh, come the fuck on, I need to sleep in order to keep my mind straight. Or at least, to have you to be silent. If you are even there that is; perhaps I need a padded room for a while."

"That would only hinder us in what lies ahead, Prey. Have you learned nothing so far?" Why would that dark voice not fade away? Why was this not just a prolonged, bad, dream that would end soon she asked herself.

"A dream? Prey, do not confuse what is happening, for something that is imagination. No matter how you twist and turn this matter, you brought this on yourself. There is no other explanation than that."

Akemi firmly placed her palm against her face.

"Why would I ever imagine something like this? A voice in my head telling me that I fucked over my life?" If this was not a bad dream, at least she had the right to get some answers she thought.

"You seek answers, and as I have told you, I am not the one to give them. You have to find them yourself. I can only, in this moment, offer partial explanations. But what I can tell you for now, is that this is a path that you, yourself, set upon. And I can, in the end, only accompany you on this travel. This is the fate that we both chose that night. At this moment, I cannot say more." For some odd reason the dark voice seemed plagued what it said. As if there was an explanation beyond the words just spoken by it.

"Well, are you at least letting me rest for now?" She asked.
"Unless there is something to disturb I will not intervene" Was the reply. "But, you are not done yet, prey"

"What is it then, I am too tired to guess. Just friggin tell me would you. I want to sleep" She said, there was no point in keeping it suttle.

"Sleep, now that is something that I've longed for in an eternity, yet not been able to experience. Perhaps this fate will also fall upon you Prey. But that is not my place to say for now. I am but a passenger and a guide if you will. But the one to set the destination - and in doing so - deciding the direction of the journey will be you, Prey." Why did the voice now seem to be even more deceiving than before she asked herself?.

"I hold no deceit, I hold knowledge that you could only wish for to know. Yet I cannot - and will not - tell it until it is required for that would bring even more confusion to what is currently an disorganized mess. And there is neither time nor energy to untwist such a knot now. If you bend something too quickly there will be cracks, and that is not something a mind in your condition could ever manage, not in it's current condition." She could not tell why, but even if this response was as vague as an washed out pamphlet it still held some odd truth that seemed too convincing to overcome at the moment. She did not like it, but she was compelled to accept it in her current condition. And so Akemi decided to let it have its run for now. But soon there will be answers to her questions.

"Well, fuck you - and fuck this - I am going to bed now." She thought and fell into the comforting caress of her bed. Nothing could stop her from having a few hours sleep.

Moments later she came to her senses, standing in a rainy alley in a place that she did not recognize. In front of her were two odd shadows that seemed to be infatuated with someone that hold a passed out girl in his arms, and the feeling about what was to happen was not a good one as it sent shivers up Akemi's back.

"Ah, fuck" was all she could muster.
I am but a crafter of words

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